Students take a temperature reading in front of a fan.

NNSS Outreach & Engagement | January 2025 – present spotlight

Students take a temperature reading in front of a fan.

Year-round, NNSS employees make a difference in STEM education and community outreach. Learn more about our January 2025 to present highlights.

Stellar STEM on display at Nevada Science Bowl
A total of 113 students, 45 volunteers and hundreds of advanced STEM-based trivia questions comprised the 34th annual Nevada Science Bowl Feb. 1 at the College of Southern Nevada in North Las Vegas. Davidson Academy – Team A took top honors ($5,000 cash prize for their school’s math and science departments) and will represent Nevada at the DOE National Science Bowl in Washington, D.C. April 24 to 28.

Five students and their coach hold a banner that says "National Science Bowl 2025 Regional Champion."
A student presses a buzzer to answer a trivia question.

STEM in the skies
Participants took STEM Saturday by storm with a special meteorology presentation Jan. 11. Our NNSS meteorologist (and professional storm chaser!) detailed leading forecasting at the Site using STEM, recognizing weather patterns in Las Vegas, identifying cloud types and classifications, plus the tools meteorologists use. Students then practiced real-time weather measurements at the Atomic Museum.

A meteorologist shows a video of a storm to students.
Students measure temperature in front of a fan.

Exemplary outreach: NNSS gives more than 2,000 volunteer hours in 2024