image of man logging into laptop computer

Training Login Page

image of man logging into laptop computer

This is a Department of Energy (DOE) computer system. DOE computer systems are provided for the processing of official U.S. Government information only. All data contained within DOE computer systems is owned by the DOE, and may be audited, intercepted, recorded, read, copied, or captured in any manner and disclosed in any manner, by authorized personnel. THERE IS NO RIGHT OF PRIVACY IN THIS SYSTEM. System personnel may disclose any potential evidence of crime found on DOE computer systems to appropriate authorities. USE OF THIS SYSTEM BY ANY USER, AUTHORIZED OR UNAUTHORIZED, CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THIS AUDITING, INTERCEPTION, RECORDING, READING, COPYING, CAPTURING, and DISCLOSURE OF COMPUTER ACTIVITY. **WARNING**WARNING**WARNING**WARNING**

Welcome to the MSTS ATOM Learning Management System (LMS) login page. If you have an account, use one of the links below to log in to the LMS.

NOTE: ATOM works best with Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

General Login (SSO)

This link is intended for NNSS and NSE (Nuclear Security Enterprise) employees with either an MSTS computer account or an HSPD-12 badge.

One-Time Pin Login

Secondary login option for all employees. Click the link above, enter your Employee ID or EX- number in the ‘User ID’ box when prompted, and select a method to receive your passcode. The passcode will expire after 10 minutes and should arrive within 15 seconds once method is chosen. Enter the passcode when prompted. Copy-paste of the passcode is recommended and copied spaces on either side of the passcode are OK.

Need Help?

Login Instructions


Login Issues
Review the step-by-step login instructions above. Open a support incident in Service Now or call the MSTS IT Service Desk at 702-295-1800.

WBT and other Training Specific Issues

New Accounts
To request a new ATOM account, please contact your MSTS point-of-contact.