
AEC | Atomic Energy Commission |
AMS | Aerial Measuring System |
ATV | all-terrain vehicle |
BEEF | Big Explosives Experimental Facility |
BREN | Bare Reactor Experiment, Nevada |
C4ISR | command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance |
CAD | computer aided design |
CBRNE | chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive |
CEMP | Community Environmental Monitoring Program |
CHE | Conventional high explosive |
CMHT | Consequence Management Home Team |
CMRT | Consequence Management Response Team |
CONUS | continental United States |
CRADA | Cooperative Research and Development Agreement |
CSI | Continuous Safety Improvement |
CTOS | Counter Terrorism Operations Support |
DAF | Device Assembly Facility |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security |
DNA | Defense Nuclear Agency |
DoD | Department of Defense |
DOE | Department of Energy |
DOT | Department of Transportation |
E-MAD | Engine Maintenance Assembly and Disassembly |
ECN | Emergency Communications Network |
EEOICP | Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program |
EG&G | EG&G Energy Measurements, Inc. |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency |
ERDA | Energy Research and Development Administration |
ESA | Endangered Species Act |
F&R | Fire and Rescue |
FCDA | Federal Civil Defense Administration |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act |
FRERP | Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan |
FRMAC | Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center |
FY | Fiscal Year |
GOCO | government-owned, contractor-operated |
gpm | gallons of water per minute |
HAZTRAK | Hazardous Materials Tracking System |
HENRE | High Energy Neutron Reaction Experiment |
HLOS | Horizontal Line of Sight |
IHE | insensitive high explosive |
IND | improvised nuclear device |
JASPER | Joint Actinide Shock Physics Experimental Research |
JGMS | J.G. Management Systems, Inc. |
JIC | Joint Information Center |
LACEF | Los Alamos Critical Experiments Facility |
LANL | Los Alamos National Laboratory |
LDRD | laboratory-directed research and development |
LLE | Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
LLNL | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
LTBT | Limited Test Ban Treaty |
M&O | Management and Operating |
MICP | Mobile Incident Command Post |
MPDV | multiplexed photonic Doppler velocimetry |
MSTS | Mission Support and Test Services, LLC |
MX | Air Force Peacekeeper |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NCERC | National Criticality Experiments Research Center |
NDPC | National Domestic Preparedness Consortium |
NEPA | National Environmental Protection Act |
NERVA | Nuclear Engine for Rocket Vehicle Application |
NEST | Nuclear Emergency Support Team |
NFO | Nevada Field Office |
NIF | National Ignition Facility |
NNSA | National Nuclear Security Administration |
NNSS | Nevada National Security Sites, Nevada National Security Site |
NNSSWAC | Nevada National Security Site Waste Acceptance Criteria |
NPTEC | Nonproliferation Test and Evaluation Complex |
NRAT | Nuclear/Radiological Advisory Team |
NRC | Nuclear Regulatory Commission |
NRDS | Nuclear Rocket Development Station |
NRF | National Response Framework |
NRIA | Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex |
NSE | Nuclear Security Enterprise |
NSSAB | Nevada Site Specific Advisory Board |
NTA | Nuclear Testing Archive |
NTS | Nevada Test Site |
NWPA | Nuclear Waste Policy Act |
OCC | Operations Command Center |
OCONUS | outside the continental United States |
OPSEC | Operations Security |
PDV | photonic Doppler velocimetry |
R&D | research and development |
RCRA | Resource Conservation and Recovery Act |
RDD | radiological disposal device |
REECo | Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Co., Inc. |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RNCTEC | Radiological/Nuclear Countermeasures Test and Evaluation |
ROD | Record of Decision |
RSL | Remote Sensing Laboratory |
RWAP | Radioactive Waste Acceptance Program |
SCE | subcritical experiment |
SDRD | Site-Directed Research and Development |
SNL | Sandia National Laboratories |
SNM | special nuclear material |
STL | Special Technologies Laboratory |
SWEIS | Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement |
T&E | test and evaluation |
TTBT | Threshold Test Ban Treaty |
UAS | unmanned aerial system |
UAV | unmanned aerial vehicle |
VISAR | Velocity Interferometer System for Any Reflector |
VLOS | Vertical Line of Sight |
VPP | Voluntary Protection Program |
WMD | weapon of mass destruction |