
Discover Our Capabilities
Stockpile Science
A primary mission of the NNSS is to help ensure the nation’s nuclear weapons stockpile remains safe, reliable, and secure from our enemies.
High-Hazard Testing
The NNSS safely conducts high-hazard operations, testing, and training at a number of facilities for a diverse range of users.
Remote Sensing/Aerial Measurement
The NNSS Remote Sensing Laboratory provides responsive aerial measurements to detect, analyze, and track radioactive material before and during emergencies.
First Responder Training
The CTOS-Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training at the NNSS oversees and conducts training courses and exercises, providing local first responders with the tools they need to protect their communities.
Research & Development
As the NNSS’ premier science and technology venue, the Research and Development program is the primary source of discovery and innovation for the Sites’ national security missions.
Threat Detection
NNSS personnel are the nation’s experts in detecting and locating “dirty bombs,” “loose nukes,” and radiological sources. They produce high-tech, specialized detection equipment in support of counterterrorism efforts.
Waste Disposal
The NNSS conducts permanent disposal of low-level and mixed low-level radioactive waste generated by environmental cleanup activities at the NNSS and other DOE and DoD sites historically involved with nuclear weapons research, development and testing.
Groundwater Characterization
Environmental Management monitors groundwater contamination at the NNSS, identifying contaminant boundaries and implementing an effective, long-term monitoring system.