Emergency Public Information

In the event of an emergency, the NNSS will provide information as it becomes available.
The NNSS Emergency Public Information Plan provides a framework for coordinated, accurate and timely release of information to NNSS employees, the news media, potentially affected members of the public and other stakeholders.
Emergency Management
It is the policy of the NNSS to protect our people, emergency personnel, national security information, facilities, lands and neighboring communities from loss of life, injury, illness, loss of property or degradation of the common health and welfare caused by emergency conditions at the Nevada National Security Sites, regardless of cause.
Joint Information Center
When a Joint Information Center (JIC) is activated to provide coordinated information response from the NNSS and local or state agencies, Public Affairs will transfer its public response staff to the JIC and announce media and public contact information.
Public Information
Procedures are in place to ensure the release of accurate information to employees, news media, state and local organizations, community and tribal leaders, and offices of local, state and federal elected officials as well as for the coordination of this information with the U.S Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration.
News Media Information
The NNSS relies heavily on the use of social media to disseminate emergency messaging via Twitter and Facebook.
An initial press release will be made available as soon as possible announcing an emergency event. Press releases and updates will be posted to the website.
If an emergency has resulted in activation of the JIC, an additional release may be distributed announcing media and public contact information.
Other information sources:
Radio Stations
The Associated Press
Las Vegas Review Journal
Las Vegas Sun
Pahrump Valley Times
Television Stations
KTNV-TV (ABC – 13)
KPVM-TV (Pahrump – 25)