
As a result of historic nuclear testing, some land and facilities at the Site and on the adjacent U.S. Air Force range were contaminated by radioactive and/or hazardous material. Most of these sites have been addressed and completed in accordance with an agreement with the State of Nevada, known as the Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (FFACO). Examples of restoration activities that have occurred include soil removal and building demolition.
Read the fact sheet to learn more about the FFACO and view the Agreement to see the complete list of planned, in progress and completed remediation projects listed in Appendix II, III, and IV, respectively.

Public Notices
Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (FFACO) Documents
The DOE’s Environmental Management Nevada Program submits the following documents proposing closure-in-place to the State of Nevada Division of Environmental Protection (NDEP). A closure-in-place strategy involves using engineering and/or administrative controls to complete remediation and some contamination will remain.
Available documents:
No documents proposing closure-in-place at this time.
When submitting these documents to NDEP, copies are supplied to the Las Vegas and Carson City Public Reading Facilities for review (information below). Submit comments regarding a decision document to Christine Andres (NDEP) at candres@ndep.nv.gov within 30 days of the document’s release.
Southern Nevada Virtual Public Reading Facility
c/o Nuclear Testing Archive
Northern Nevada Public Reading Facility
Nevada State Library and Archives
100 N. Stewart Street
Carson City, NV 89701