SDRD achieves astronomical 56% Invited Full Proposals from DOE Interlaboratory Call for Proposals

The NNSS Anomaly presented at the National Laboratory-Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Meeting in Santa Fe had a stellar 5/9 (56%) success rate with Interlaboratory Proposal Invitations.
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) FY 2025 Interlaboratory Call for Proposals focused on four areas: Advanced Manufacturing, Energy Security, Fundamental AI, and Radiographic Systems. NNSS chose to focus on only Advanced Manufacturing and Radiographic Systems—a strategy designed by the NNSS Site-Directed Research and Development (SDRD) program office to maximize the impact of the resources of NNSS’ SDRD program against the larger LDRD programs of the National Laboratories.
The hard work and laser-like focus of NNSS staff paid off: five of our nine proposals were invited to submit full proposals, a 56% success rate which compares quite favorably to the National Labs.
“Congratulations are in order to SDRD staff for preparing and submitting these superior and highly competitive Letters of Intent,” said NNSS’ Senior Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff Paul Guss. “The NNSS SDRD program has positioned us well to compete against the national labs.”
If selected, NNSS will receive funding notice by Dec. 4, 2024, with project work expected to begin by the week of Jan. 6, 2025.