SDRD Monthly Highlights Archive

Looking for an older SDRD Monthly Highlight, or just interested in catching up on what NNSS’ Site-Directed Research and Development have been up to? Check out the complete list in the archive below.
- September 2024:
Students Shine at the SDRD Intern Presentations
August 2024:
NNSS Technology Wins an R&D 100 Award – Nevada National Security Site - June 2024:
Eric Dutra’s Zoo: The Benefits of Using the Zebra Z-pinch Device and the Leopard Laser - May 2024:
Intensity Based Laser Velocimeter (Brandon LaLone) - April 2024:
Cryogenic Deuterium Pellet Injection for Enhanced Neutron Output of a Dense Plasma Focus - February 2024:
Two diagnostics are better than one! - December 2023:
Computational fluid dynamic simulations for critical infrastructure - November 2023:
Mark Morey’s MOFs - October 2023:
Feasibility Study become Strategic Initiative to improve critical skills for Scorpius - June 2023:
Ian McKenna’s UAS Feasibility Study flies high to become SDRD project - May 2023:
Dale Turley wins MVPI with Bubble Collapse Project