Fire and Rescue

Fire and Rescue (F&R)
The NNSS F&R department is an all-risk department, delivering high-quality life safety emergency services to not only NNSS workers but also to neighboring communities through numerous mutual aid agreements. Just a few of the many services provided by our modern-day heroes include the following:
- 24/7 staff at two Fire Stations on the Site (Mercury and Area 6) with both paramedics and firefighters trained in all aspects of structural, apparatus and wildland fire suppression, technical rescue (e.g., confined space, rope rescue, vehicle and machinery extractions), and hazardous materials response aspects
- Regulatory compliance assistance and inspections by the Fire Marshal and his staff of fire inspectors
- Department of Transportation certified to perform requalification of breathing air and fire extinguisher cylinders, including inspection and maintenance, as well as hands-on live fire extinguisher training
- Advanced Life Support Emergency Medical Services

F&R Fact Sheet
Providing 24/7 emergency response services to the 1,355-square-mile Site
Protecting the NNSS from Wildland Fires Fact Sheet
Providing fire suppression, emergency medical, hazmat mitigation, technical rescue response and fire prevention activities to the Site 24/7