Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette visited the Nevada National Security Site April 2-4. He was accompanied by Captain Nathan Martin and Chief of Staff Jim Colgary.
Deputy Secretary Brouillette began his visit by meeting with seven NNSS early career professionals for lunch in North Las Vegas at the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Nevada Field Office Nevada Support Facility.
During the lunch, Brouillette took the time to learn a bit about NNSS’ attending young professionals, asking each one in turn several questions about themselves, as well as what brought them here, first impressions when joining the NNSS and more. “What does it take to keep you here?” was a reoccurring question throughout the afternoon.
Several of the young professionals cited supporting the national security mission as a reason they enjoy their work.
“It’s an important mission,” Brouillette agreed. “I hope you’re very proud of that.”
After the lunch, the deputy secretary joined a group of NNSS representatives in traveling to the Site, where he spent the following day-and-a-half meeting with Site leadership and visiting several facilities important to the NNSS’ current mission (the Device Assembly Facility and the U1a Complex, to name a few), in addition to historic locations.
Brouillette concluded his visit Wednesday, April 4, by touring the NNSS ’Remote Sensing Laboratory – Nellis and meeting with key leaders.