For the second year in a row, the Nevada National Security Sites (NNSS) has won a Global Electronics Council (GEC) EPEAT Purchaser Award. The non-profit GEC manages the EPEAT ecolabel and confers the annual award to recognize organizations for excellence in sustainable electronics procurement.
“It is an honor to receive such an important award for the NNSS and to be recognized as a leader in sustainable IT procurement,” said Deputy CIO, Information Technology/Cyber Security Doug Neumann. “This EPEAT Award recognizes the hard work and dedication that we have focused on for many years to achieve environmentally responsible IT purchasing throughout our organization.”
When purchasing contracts, NNSS uses the EPEAT ecolabel to help ensure it is sourcing from vendors who meet strict sustainability criteria. EPEAT-certified electronics are more energy efficient, less toxic, longer lasting, and easier to recycle than products that do not meet EPEAT criteria, while also addressing labor and human rights issues along the entire supply chain.
Principal Infrastructure Analyst Ron Duplex said, “NNSS strives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts whenever and wherever possible. In addition to bringing energy efficiencies and economic benefits, we recognize that it’s the right thing to do. Winning an EPEAT sustainability award in four distinct categories this year is a great reflection of that commitment, and we’re proud to have achieved it.”
Among other measurable environmental impacts, NNSS’ sustainable purchasing throughout 2022 reduced greenhouse gases by 482 thousand kilograms and saved more than 2 million kilowatt hours of energy—equivalent to taking 103 average U.S. passenger vehicles off the road for a year and saving enough electricity to power 177 average U.S. households. Both numbers represent a nearly 100% improvement over NNSS’ 2022 greenhouse gas reductions and energy savings.
The awards were formally announced in July 2023. Find out more about the GEC EPEAT Awards on their website.