The Nevada National Security Sites’ (NNSS) Special Technologies Laboratory (STL) presented its premier national security technological capabilities at the Nov. 15 TechTopia, a science, technology and business summit for Santa Barbara-based technology and manufacturing organizations.
The NNSS’ STL is a multi-mission laboratory that develops special-purpose devices, measurement instruments and analysis methods for experimental physics, prototype fabrication, plus device and systems engineering in support of stockpile stewardship, defense nuclear nonproliferation, and physical security programs.
“Our lab is a very exciting place to work,” said STL Stockpile Experimentation and Operations Program Manager Jay Chotirmal. “With our mission, we solve some of the hardest problems for our country and create solutions with technologies that don’t exist anywhere else.”
Santa Barbara is a leading innovation hub, with businesses ranging from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. With roots in the central California coast for more than six decades, STL is a co-sponsor TechTopia, which this year brought together communities and regional businesses as part of the recently aligned Santa Barbara South Coast Chamber of Commerce.

“Having STL name recognition at a public forum gives us presence in this newly formed Chamber of Commerce that consists mostly of tech companies,” said STL Engineering Technologies Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff Steve Koppenjan. “We’re a high-tech company in town focused on getting the right tech talent in the area.”
This year’s networking forum featured panel discussions and a reception to discuss the opportunities and challenges within a growing technology hub like Santa Barbara, such as housing availability, recruiting talent, and area affordability.
The NNSS also continues to work to identify integration opportunities between nearby higher education institutions and NNSS Student Programs experiences.
Interested in exploring a career with STL? See NNSS opportunities in Santa Barbara.