Media Resources

Media Inquiries
Social Media
Media Kit
The NNSS offers a variety of historical and current films and videos for viewing. To access, go to the NNSS YouTube page.
The NNSS also offers a variety of photographs for viewing. To access, go to the NNSS Flickr page. These photographs include current programs such as Stockpile Stewardship, Global Security and Environmental Programs, as well as community outreach, NNSS tour highlights and other miscellaneous NNSS photos.
Should these photos be used in any manner that requires a credit line, the wording should read:
“Photo courtesy of Nevada National Security Sites.”
In addition to the photos contained on the NNSS Flickr page, the DOE Digital Photo Archive serves as a centralized resource for thousands of photographs that depict the Department’s various programs. The DOE Digital Photo Archive is a resource made available to the DOE community as well as the general public for the purposes of enhancing communication, education, and ultimately the overall mission of the Department of Energy.
See a full list of acronym references used by the NNSS.