Information for Potential Construction Subcontractors

In our contract with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Mission Support & Test Services LLC (MSTS) has the overall responsibility to manage the Nevada National Security Sites (NNSS). MSTS has negotiated Project Labor Agreements with the various labor unions at the NNSS.
These labor agreements with MSTS are now signatory to cover both construction and maintenance and operations work. The provisions of these labor agreements require all work subcontracted by MSTS in the state of Nevada to be performed under the terms and conditions of these Project Labor Agreements.
Therefore, when evaluating the requirements for performing construction and maintenance work at any DOE facility managed by MSTS, it is important that the provisions of the Project Labor Agreements be considered in your proposal to MSTS. Depending on the work and scope of the MSTS solicitation, your firm may be required to sign a participation agreement with the appropriate union(s), binding your firm to the provisions of the Project Labor Agreements which cover the solicitations’ scope of work.
If additional information is required, please contact the Labor Relations Department at LaborRelations@nv.doe.gov.
Project Labor Agreements
- Construction Project Labor Agreement (PDF document)
- Tunnel and Tunnel-Shaft Project Labor Agreement (PDF document)
Wage Supplement
NOTE: Current hourly wage rates and fringe benefit payment amounts for Construction and Maintenance work performed on the NNSS and in Clark County are identified in the Supplement for PLA Hourly Wage and Fringe Benefit Rates below:
- Supplement for PLA Hourly Wage and Fringe Benefit Rates (PDF document)
Requests for further information should be directed to: procurement@nv.doe.gov.