Visitor Information

Visiting NNSS Facilities
Currently, NNSS is welcoming only official visitors to its facilities. Official visitors are those who have been invited by an NNSS employee. It is the host’s responsibility to coordinate any necessary badging or access permission and arrange to meet guests at a designated location.
If you plan to visit, there are several things to keep in mind. You must present valid photo identification as well as the name(s) of the person(s) you are visiting upon entering the facility. All persons and vehicles entering NNSS facilities are subject to search.
Visitors with an HSPD-12 Badge
The NNSS provides DOE and NNSA HSPD-12 badge holders the ability to pre-register for your visit using our Visitor Registration (VReg) system. Registering ahead of time enables our team to anticipate your visit, streamline your experience at the Badge Office, and ensure you receive information necessary to make your visit successful.
To start, visitors must have an NNSS sponsor to help navigate local requirements and approve the visit. Once registered, the VReg system will then provide email notifications indicating where each request is throughout the process. Below are details to help you through the registration process and prepare for your visit to the NNSS.
To utilize the VReg self-registration portal using your PIV (HSPD-12) card, you will need the following:
- A DOE or NNSA issued PIV card (your HSPD-12 badge)
- Access to a smart-card reader
- Your HSPD-12 card PIN (6-8 digits)
- NNSS sponsor information (name, phone number, email address)
Please click here to log in with your HSPD-12 badge.
Those requiring physical access through our card readers must visit the Badge Office to complete the enrollment process. Please make note of the hours listed below. Otherwise, you may proceed straight to the security gate for a badge check on arrival.
- The North Las Vegas Badge Office is open Monday-Thursday from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- The Site Badge Office is open Monday-Thursday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- NOTE: Expect heavy customer traffic from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.
If you do not have an HSPD-12 badge, contact your sponsor to make arrangements for proper badging and be sure to bring valid photo identification.
The North Las Vegas Facility is located at 232 Energy Way, North Las Vegas, NV 89030. Get directions.
The Site is located 65 miles northwest of Las Vegas, off the U.S. 95 Mercury exit. Get directions.
Directions to all other NNSS facilities will be provided by your host.
Traffic Rules
All persons driving at the NNSS shall obey the established traffic regulations. Download the NNSS Traffic Rules.
Prohibited Articles
- Explosives
- Dangerous weapons
- Instruments or material likely to produce substantial injury to persons or damage to persons or property
- Open containers of alcoholic beverages
- Non-prescription controlled substances
- Any other items prohibited by law
- Cellular telephones with photographic capability.
Important note: Privately-owned cell phones with photographic capability are allowed in uncleared portions of buildings, but visitors are prohibited from using the photographic, audio and video recording capabilities. - Privately owned radio frequency transmitting equipment
- Privately owned photographic/optical equipment
For more detailed information, please download and review the Prohibited and Controlled Articles Policy.
Government-owned equipment may be taken into these areas but must be turned off, unless permission from the Safeguards and Security office has been granted.
For additional visit information, please refer to the Protocol Office page or the Monthly Community Public Tours page.