four men around portable DPF machine that was a R&D 100 award finalist and SDRD project

Site-Directed Research and Development

four men around portable DPF machine that was a R&D 100 award finalist and SDRD project


Started in 2002 by Congressional authorization, the Site-Directed Research and Development (SDRD) Program is an essential element of the NNSS technical enterprise. The SDRD program is our premier science and technology venue and primary source for discovery and innovation for NNSS national security missions. Similar to the laboratory-directed research and development (LDRD) programs at the NNSA National Laboratories and production plants, SDRD enhances the technical vitality of the NNSS by addressing the following core areas:

  • developing and demonstrating innovative ideas and technologies to advance new solutions to national and global security needs;
  • enhancing core competencies required for current and emerging technical missions; and
  • retaining and recruiting individuals with critical skills.

Proposals are solicited every year and about two dozen projects tied to principal thrust areas are funded annually. An annual report is released every April for the previous year’s projects.

The OKSI rover and hexacopter shown at the entrance of the Irvine tunnel.
A rover and hexacopter shown at the entrance of the Irvine tunnel.

Latest Annual Report Overviews

SDRD Highlights

Ian McKenna’s UAS Feasibility Study flies high to become SDRD project

In fiscal year 2022, Principal Investigator Ian McKenna from the Special Technologies Laboratory (STL) completed a Feasibility Study demonstrating passive unmanned aircraft system (UAS) detection with turbulence-enhanced imagery (project 22-088).

Dale Turley wins MVPI with Bubble Collapse project

The Special Technologies Laboratory’s Dale Turley is the winner of this year’s Most Valuable Principal Investigator (MVPI) award for his SDRD project “Study of Bubble Collapse in Optically Transparent High Explosive as a Method to Probe the Detonation Process” (22-052).

Feasibility Study becomes Strategic Initiative to improve critical skills for Scorpius

A new project put forth by ABSTI Lead Trevor Burris is helping to identify and pre-fill skillsets necessary to operate and maintain NNSS’ first large-scale linear accelerator, Scorpius.

June SDRD Highlight: The Zebra Z-pinch Device and the Leopard Laser

Ten miles out from University of Nevada, Reno, SDRD principal investigator Eric Dutra is developing his “Staged z-pinch and variable-energy laser ablation-driven new high-yield neutron source​”.

Interested in Joining Our Team?

NNSS hires a wide variety of science, technical, and engineering professionals in support of our vital mission.

three men standing in a scientific lab