Site-Directed Research and Development

Started in 2002 by Congressional authorization, the Site-Directed Research and Development (SDRD) Program is an essential element of the NNSS technical enterprise. The SDRD program is our premier science and technology venue and primary source for discovery and innovation for NNSS national security missions. Similar to the laboratory-directed research and development (LDRD) programs at the NNSA National Laboratories and production plants, SDRD enhances the technical vitality of the NNSS by addressing the following core areas:
- developing and demonstrating innovative ideas and technologies to advance new solutions to national and global security needs;
- enhancing core competencies required for current and emerging technical missions; and
- retaining and recruiting individuals with critical skills.
Proposals are solicited every year and about two dozen projects tied to principal thrust areas are funded annually. An annual report is released every April for the previous year’s projects.

Latest Annual Report Overviews
SDRD Highlights
SDRD achieves astronomical 56% Invited Full Proposals from DOE Interlaboratory Call for Proposals
The NNSS Anomaly presented at the recent National Laboratory-Directed Research and Development Meeting generated remarkable interest.
January SDRD Highlight: NNSS’ Dr. Amber Guckes awarded Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
The award, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on early career scientists, recognizes her contributions developing next-generation current mode radiation detectors for Stockpile Stewardship applications.
Replacing Photomultiplier Tubes with Avalanche Photodiode Arrays
SDRD Principal investigator James Mellott believes that solid state is the future of radiation detection, and he and his team aim to test a prototype in 2025.
NNSS Technology Wins an R&D 100 Award
Every year, R&D World holds a competition to determine the year’s top 100 innovative technologies. If you take a look at the 2024 winners (released on the R&D World website on August 8), you’ll find the NNSS on the list!

Apply Now for Bruno Rossi Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship in Science and Technology
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