Environmental Publications

NNSS Environmental Report
The annual Nevada National Security Sites Environmental Report (NNSSER or ASER) contains information on all programs and activities conducted in and around the NNSS, at the North Las Vegas Facility, and at the Remote Sensing Laboratory-Nellis to protect the environment and the public. Activities reported include environmental management system performance and implementation, compliance with all environmental permits; monitoring of radionuclides in air, groundwater, and biota; direct radiation monitoring; calculation of the public’s radiation dose from activities conducted on the NNSS; results of Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Clean Water Act monitoring; progress towards remediation of all contaminated sites; environmental monitoring of waste management sites; protection of cultural resources; and monitoring of protected species and habitats on the NNSS. The NNSA Nevada Field Office, contractors, and NNSS users perform these activities. Reports older than those listed below are available upon request through SciTech at: http://www.osti.gov/scitech/.
National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)
NESHAP reports contain results from radiological air monitoring and surveillance activities on the NNSS. They present data demonstrating compliance with annual radiation dose limits to the public that are attributable to airborne radionuclides from the NNSS. The NNSS management and operating contractor for the NNSA Nevada Field Office performs the monitoring and data reporting. The reports are annual. Reports older than those listed below are available upon request through SciTech at: http://www.osti.gov/scitech/.
Ecological Monitoring and Compliance (EMAC)
The annual Ecological Monitoring and Compliance (EMAC) report contains results from activities on the NNSS conducted to protect its native plants and animals in accordance with federal and state laws. Activities reported include (1) compliance actions taken to protect the desert tortoise, a listed threatened species under the Endangered Species Act, (2) field surveys and actions taken to protect and/or monitor State of Nevada-regulated and -protected biota, (3) field surveys for biota on federal or state Watch Lists, (4) ecosystem monitoring, and (5) revegetation monitoring. The NNSS management and operating contractor for the NNSA Nevada Field Office performs the activities and data reporting. Reports older than those listed below are available upon request through SciTech at: http://www.osti.gov/scitech/.
Groundwater Characterization Reports
Frenchman Flat (CAU 98)
Yucca Flat/Climax Mine (CAU 97)
Rainier Mesa/Shoshone Mountain (CAU 99)
Central and Western Pahute Mesa (CAU 101 and 102)
Environmental Protection Policy
The NNSS Environmental Protection Policy is linked below. Information on how the Environmental Protection Policy principles are implemented and monitored at the NNSS is reported annually in the NNSS Environmental Report.
Environmental Impact Statement
Please view the Environmental Impact Statement webpage for an overview and all related documents.