Fact Sheets

NNSS fact sheets are summary documents detailing pertinent information regarding NNSS missions and programs, including the history of the Site. These documents address a variety of topics, from current mission and environmental management issues to historical backgrounds.
Missions and Projects
- Adding Value in the State of Nevada (Economic Impact)
- A Premier High-Tech National Security Asset
- Big Explosives Experimental Facility (BEEF)
- Counter Terrorism Operations Support (CTOS)
- Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation
- Device Assembly Facility
- Emergency Communications Network
- Enhanced Capabilities for Subcritical Experiments
- Environmental Management
- Environmental Management Stakeholder Involvement
- Environmental Remediation Work at TTR
- Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (FFACO)
- Fire and Rescue
- Groundwater Program
- Industrial Sites
- Joint Actinide Shock Physics Experimental Research (JASPER)
- Nevada Site Operations Center
- Nevada Site Specific Advisory Board
- NNSS Geology
- NNSS Overview
- Nonproliferation Test and Evaluation Complex (NPTEC)
- Nuclear Testing Archive
- P Tunnel
- Plant and Animal Life
- Port Gaston
- Powering Up: Bringing Modern Electricity Capacity to the NNSS
- Principal Underground Laboratory for Subcritical Experimentation (PULSE) (formerly U1a)
- Protecting Cultural Resources
- Protecting the NNSS from Wildland Fires
- Public Tours
- Radiological/Nuclear Countermeasures Test and Evaluation Complex (RNCTEC)
- Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSL)
- Science Bowl
- Soils Sites
- Special Technologies Laboratory (STL)
- Waste Management at the NNSS
Additional Fact Sheets
- Apollo Astronauts
- Atmospheric Tests
- Atomic Annie
- Atomic Culture
- Before It Was the NTS
- Big Hole Drilling
- Bilby Crater
- BREN Tower
- Camp Desert Rock
- Civil Effects Tests
- Davy Crockett
- EPA Farm
- Fuze Testing
- Gun Turret
- Huron King
- Icecap
- Last Stop for Jackass and Western
- Mercury
- Mercury Bowling Alley
- Miss Atom Bomb
- News Nob
- Nuclear Rocket Development Station
- Nuclear Timeline
- Operation Morning Light
- Peacekeeper Tests
- Plowshare Program
- Plutonium Dispersal Tests
- Project Nutmeg
- Project Pluto
- Rapatronic Photography
- Research at the NNSS: The Nevada Desert Research Center
- Runaway Train
- Secret Film Studio: Lookout Mountain
- Sedan Crater
- Special Activities
- Underground Nuclear Testing
- What is Radiation?
- Yucca Lady